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Hi, Doc Lures here……. Thanks for being a valued member.

You’ve probably noticed that there is a ton of free content on this website. But not everything is free. In fact, the free resources are just the tip of the iceberg.

I love helping lure makers, but like most folks I have kids and I have bills to pay. Plus, I want to focus my efforts on folks who really appreciate what I do.

So my best lure making stuff is reserved for those who purchase my premium products. Those people are also at the front of the line for personal help fro me and for new resources I release. If you’re a free member then you can thank my premium members for the resources you’re probably enjoying right now!

So if you found the free stuff useful then I know you’ll love my premium lure making resources. Please consider upgrading your membership today and really put a rocket under your lure making! There are links to more info on premium lure making resources below.



Stickbait Making Mini-Course

A quick, fun online course for anyone thinking about making their own handmade stickbaits. There are 4 templates provided – and they cover everything from tiny balsa stickbaits to large heavy duty versions for GT and Tuna. As always, with tutorials and support to ensure your success!

Wooden Lure Making Megapack

This is Doc’s most popular lure making resource. Not only does it include a number of lure making eBooks, but there are 30 templates for wooden crankbaits, poppers, stickbaits, lipless crankbaits, even a swimbait! And it gives members access to the docs private mentoring group on Facebook for personal support from Doc!

The Crankbait Masterclass

Dozens of templates for crankbaits ranging from super simple to ultra-advanced. Over 30 hrs of video tutorials. Personal help and support from Doc Lures. Beginner to advances lure painting tuition.

Mastering Lure Painting

An online course with dozens of video and test tutorials explaining how to choose and use an airbrush, paints and accessories. Also goes through how to prepare lure bodies for painting, simple techniques anyone can use to get professional results and dozens of painting patterns.